The Nuts and Bolts of the First Two Weeks

The full arch of one Peace Corps week is filled with enough potholes to topple a semi. Fortunately, it wasn’t momentum that I’ve been relying on to get me through my service. Instead, I’m looking toward maneuverability and openness to navigate each ravine and climb out on the limbs of bamboo dense enough to darken even the next hour. After arriving in Chengdu by plane we took a couple buses to the hotel, dropped off our passports, and picked up our “walk-around” money in the lobby. I then promptly went to my room leaving behind the excitement of the bold as they went out to explore the nearest bar scene, but already under the Peace Corps wing they were required to avoid a couple black listed bars (both due to their drug scenes). Being caught going to either bar, we were told later, would result in instantly being sent back to the US. The Peace Corps image is serious and precious and the actions of one volunteer can and have blasted pillars from the foundation carefully bui...